House training tips
Just understand that accidents and messes will happen. Keep the carpet
cleaner, doggie deodorizer and paper towels handy. Start by purchasing a
medium size crate and line it with paper, toys and soft cloth. This is where
your puppy will sleep and it will become his den. Puppies will mess their
dens as they are learning to control their bladders but it will become less
and less. When taking the puppy out of his crate do not start by playing
with him but take straight out to do his business first. Simply take him
outside to the designated area, put him down and wait. Always take your
puppy to the same place outside to potty. He will soon learn this means "go"
. When business is finished lavishly praise your puppy for a job well done.
Young puppies will need to urinate after eating, drinking, sleeping or
playing. If he has an accident, don't punish him, but do praise him every
time he goes to the bathroom in the proper place. Be consistent and soon you
will have a happy well trained dog.
A well-trained pup is a happy dog. A Dachshund by it's nature is intelligent
and at times independent although he loves you, there will be times when he
will want to be his own boss. Puppy training begins the moment the puppy is
placed in your hands. In the moments it takes to sign the papers the puppy
can choose to submit to you or wiggle and try to get down. Hold your puppy
gently but firmly until the wiggle stops and only then let him down.
Training Hints for playtime:
1. Never let the puppy nibble on any part of you. Use the toys and encourage
play with out any mouth contact.
2. Tug of War, although fun, it is really a dominance tug of war. When your
puppy runs off with the rope or cloth the pup is dominant.
3. Do not allow jumping or nipping of any type. This behavior requires a
sharp no with immediate play stopped.
4. Reward for good play and gentle approach with praise. We are very big on
praising. I truly believe that you can train your puppy totally by praising
him when he does good.
5. Keep some toys hidden away for playtime with you. You are then perceived
as the toy boss, which is a good thing. These little ones are much smarter
than we tend to give them credit for. You watch, and they will soon be
leading you to the toy box.
This picture tells it all !
Verbal abuse not only hurts our children it can also have a big
Effect on our pets. Lots of praise and love makes for
A happy puppy..