Poetry is a way for people to
express their
Feelings. It is a
personal thing and
Hard to
I feel poetry is important in life, that it becomes
Part of our
emotional being.
Oh, Oh,
Loving God Who created them all,
From small
creeping bugs to giraffes so tall.
Who in
our care has placed your creatures I ask?
“Why is
cruelty one of mans features?”
Forced to give us food and pull our carts, have we no pity for their broken
Science and Medicine are yet another tool,
for causing them pain and being so cruel.
And when the circus Comes to town,
do we see their tears when the curtain goes down?
Some people wear fur as they stroll through the city,
I think it's so heartless and not very pretty.
Deep in the woods, a place some call their home,
they run in great fear from the hunters that roam.
Their sad eyes show us there's no understanding,
Why man is indifferent and so very demanding!
They give up their lives they give us their best,
All they are asking Is a place just to rest.
And so, My Dear Lord I Pray unto You,
Save a place in Your Kingdom for the animals too.
(Ann Ketzlick)
A Dog's Prayer
(Author unknown)
Bless the
house I live in, Lord,
The one
that I call home,
people here who really care
A family all my own.
Bless the
little children
snuggle me to sleep
gentle eyes so sweet and wise
That laugh and
sometimes weep.
Bless the
mistress of this home,
A wife
and loving mother-
always gives me doggie treats
To me
there is no other!
Bless the
master, good and kind,
He calls
me his best friend.
But, Oh, the names they give us, Lord!
''Killer?'' ''Boom Boom?'' ''Ben?''
No one
will ever know
How I
stopped to catch my breath
The day
they saw me at the pound,
As I faced certain death.
I love my
little family.
They're all the world to me.
have to be a dog to know
How lucky
I am, Me ...
faithful dog will play with you,
And laugh
with you -- or cry --
gladly starve just to stay with You,
And never
reason , Why ?
And when you're
feeling out of sorts,
he'll understand.
watch you with those shining eyes,
And try
to lick your hand.
blind, implicit faith in you
matched only by his love-
The kind
that all of us should have
In the spirit up above.
When everything
is said and done,
It is not
really odd,
when you spell ''dog '' backwards,
You find
the name of GOD..
Thank you
Nikki for the poem and careing !!
Thoughts to ponder
Use your
head and your heart to choose the right companion..
Want to
understand Dog Behavior?
Think like a
Dog !
A Dog is the
only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
It is not
nice to be lost.
But it is
nice to find someone along the way home..